Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Repeat Breading ~ Due January 2013

The puppies will be American style working retrievers that would make good fits for homes that plan to hunt, compete in AKC hunt tests, or field trials.  The puppies will be well socialized with children, adults, and other dogs.  Early training will be completed included introduction to water, gun fire, and riding in vehicles.  The puppies will be retrieving birds (pigeons) and other objects by 7 weeks old.  Puppies ready to go home on March 2013.  Both parents are house pets that actively hunt and compete in AKC performance tests.

Sire: FC AFC Small Craft Advisory “Rough”
Rough has 141 All-Age points with a total of 17 all-age wins. Rough Qualified for the National Amateur Championship every year from 2005-2010. He qualified for the National Open in 2007 and 2010. Rough has one FC sibling and three QAA siblings. Several offspring have hunt test titles and others were listed on the 2010 derby list including the #5 and #9 dogs.  Several offspring are placing in derby, qualifying, and Amatuer All Age  Field Trial events in 2011.  Hips are rated Excellent, elbows normal, EIC, CNM, and CERF are clear.

Dam: Our Sweet Honey of Silverbrook JH
Honey is a loving family pet that enjoys children and will retrieve anything thrown. She enjoys lying on the couch or at your feet while in the house but changes gears and has all the energy you desire when hunting or competing in hunt tests. Honey has been hunting geese and ducks for 4 seasons and has retrieved hundreds of birds. She participates in AKC hunt tests and received a Junior Hunter title in the fall of 2009. She took the first half of 2010 off from training and had a litter of 10 puppies. She returned to training in the late summer and is currently training at the Senior Hunter level doing multiple marks, blinds, and honoring other dogs.  She will compete in AKC Senior Level Hunt Tests following this litter. Hips are rated Good, elbows normal, EIC, CNM, and CERF are clear.

Yellow and black puppies Due in January 2013. This is a third repeat breeding. The 2010 breeding produced Lakosky’s Tank which can be seen on the television show “The Crush with Lee and Tiffany” on the Outdoor Channel and several other dogs that had successful hunting seasons and a few that will be running AKC hunt tests this year. Pups from this litter should be capable of performing well in hunt tests and field trials. They should also make outstanding hunting dogs and companions around the house. 

For more information call Ed @ 443-480-0775 or www.churncreekretrievers.com

Tank Lakosky Update

Lilly Update

Lilly (Count and Barbara - Chester, NJ)

July 5, 2011 – Made it home with no issues. Thanks for all the preparation and info you provided. The pup is doing fine. Already likes her crate and slept through the night!  We have formally named her Lilypad. -Lily for short.

August 14, 2012 - Lily's doing great.  60 lbs of lean muscle, people can't believe how fast she can run and she just keeps going and going. She's a smart girl, who figures stuff out quickly.   We took her to Maine this summer, she hiked like a trooper (our hike was 8 miles, her's was about 15miles!), and she swam in the lake retrieving her water frisbee all day long. 


Dusty – (Barry & Sharon, Salisbury, MD)

September 18, 2011 - Just wanted you to know how much we are enjoying “Dusty”.  He has quickly become a member of the family, with new antics every day.

Coot - Update

Coot (Cindy and Grant - Fairfax , VA)

July 10, 2011 - Our trip home last night went well.  Coot was nervous and noisy for the first 30 minutes, but then she laid down and it was smooth sailing.  When we got home, she confidently explored, ate, drank, played, and cuddled with us.  She has been surprisingly good about going into her kennel on her own.  At 3AM she gave Grant a signal; he took her out; and, she did a #2.  He was shocked.  This morning, she was a little energizer bunny!  Now, she is all tuckered out and catching some zzzs at Grant's feet (see attached photo).  All of the love and care that Coot received from your family shows!  We cannot thank you enough.

September 5, 2011 - Attached are a couple of long overdue photos of Coot.  I thought Amy would enjoy seeing that she still loves sleeping in odd poses.  As you can see, she is a big, beautiful dog.  We think she looks like Stormy.  She loves strangers, children, other dogs, and insects.  She has mastered "sit."  She is pretty good at "down."  And we are just getting started (not a moment too soon) on "drop."  We are still planning to do the formal training in November or December, and we will let you know how that goes.  


Mojo (Billy and Ashley - Lynch, MD)

December 1, 2011 – Here is a pic from mojos first goose hunt.  He wouldn’t pick up the geese, he just wasn’t sure what to do with them. My fault. He isn’t afraid of them though, charged right out and kind of mouthed them.  He couldn’t get a good bite on them it seemed.  We were able to get into some ducks in the rain last week and he made a few retrieves. He loves being in the pit or blind. He is going to be a good hunting dog. Thought you would like an update!


Kai  (Rocky Steen – Dundee, Mississippi)

Duck hunting January 2011

March 15 -2011 Kai’s First Snow (first snow in Mississippi in over 10 years, twice this week)


Hank (Jim Weiser - Pennsylvania)
February 2011 - Hank retrieved 68 ducks and 9 geese this year, all before he was 9 months old.  He is doing doubles on bumpers. It was great to see you and your family yesterday at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show.  I have bragged up Honey and Rough all day and everyone loved Hank.  He is so smart and gentle he seems to know when very little kids 2 and 3 years old would hug hank he was perfectly still and calm when adults pet Hank he was a little more hyper and happy.  Very gentle dog and still aggressive and fast for hunting.  LOVE HIM.


Crockett (Doug, Kari, Caleb and Grace Haley - Massachusetts)
February 2011 - Crockett has been doing great and he's a lot of fun as well. I didn't hunt with him last fall but sure intend to this fall. He is a great marker, I can take him back to a spot after 1/2 hour and he will remember the mark and go for it with enthusiasm! He's great in the house with the kids and will obey our son Caleb. He's 72 pounds of solid muscle, very athletic and agile. I'll continue to up-date you on his progress. 

June 2011 - We are having a ball with Crockett! He loves the water and the field.  We have a field and pond we have been reclaiming from the family farm and converting it into a food plot/training ground. He has a great nose and knows how to use it. He's really good with the kids, very interactive overall. We even had his hips checked using PennHip, he is in the 90th percentile, as good as it gets. Thanks for a great "hound"!