Stormy Won his FIRST Ribbon
with Ed as his Handler!

"Stormy"Rough Seas with a Pinch of Salt
8 month old (Our Baby!)
Sire- FC AFC Small Craft Advisory "Rough"
Dam - Yardley Labs MS-T MAXX "Misty"

Ed & Stormy went with:
Michael J. Galante of NextGen Retrievers
and the NextGen TEAM
Linden, North Carolina
for a "Lumber River Retriever Club" - AKC Hunt Test
Where "Stormy" won his first Junior Hunter Ribbon. He is a young dog to be in competition. He still has a lot of Puppy in him BUT he did a GREAT job. He still needs some work on calming down at the line and holding the bird. That will be the next focal points of his training!
Ed works with both Honey and Stormy on retrieving and obedience when they are home. Stormy has been under the Care and Training of Micheal and NextGen Team for ~6weeks. The training is going GREAT! Ed is also working hard with Stormy. He has been to visit and is training with Stormy and the group. Micheal also trains the handlers and it is a great benefit for all Dog owners!
Thank You!
NextGen Retrievers
Stud Service, Puppies and Started Dogs
Handler Training and Youth Clinics
Gun Dog, Hunt Test and Field Trial Programs
Dealer - Tri Tronics, Unleashed Technology, Bumper Boy
Michael J. Galante
Phone: 1-800-766-0463
Cell: 516-356-5760